La parabole du mauvais riche et dupauvre Lazare selon les Bassano :l’image d’un banquet, entreségrégation et mixité Valérie Boudier Through the study of Bassano’s Parable of Lazarus and the rich man, we will analyse the gap between the biblical narrative and the artist’s works. The text does not evoke gender or food behavior issues, whereas…
Numero: Predella n. 33
Miscellanea / Miscellany
- Zuleika Murat
- Cássio Fernandes
- Maria Rachele Baiona
- Simonetta Nicolini
- Monica Chessa
- Alessandro Brogi
- Denise La Monica
- Annamaria Ducci
- Denise La Monica
- Alessandro Furiesi
- Pisa: appello contro la tutela “amatoriale” del patrimonio storico-artistico
- Emanuele Pellegrini
- Fabienne Fravalo
- Paolo Martore
- Francesco Federici
- Silvia De Min
- Giovanna Ragionieri
- Giovanni Russo
- Pamela Breda
- Francesca Curti
- Chiara Piva
- Federica De Rosa
- Paolo Coen
- Silvia Maria Sara Cammarata
- Luca Manzo
- Silvia Giordano
Monografia / Monograph
Memory Holloway
Banquets at the Portuguese Courtin the 16th and 17th centuries: Space,Place and Tradition Memory Holloway The representation of meals and banquets in Portuguese painting from the Renaissance to the early modern period is almost exclusively linked to religious imagery that features meals as rites associated with the Eucharist and Biblical texts. The food that appears…
Cristina Bragaglia
Schermi e banchetti del Rinascimento :ricostruzione e rielaborazione Cristina Bragaglia In the movies the banquets are reworked and adjusted to the appearances of the present, with diferent functions. If in The Private Life of Henry VIII (1933) and The Prince of Foxes (1949) they describe the heroes psychologies, in Les visiteurs du soir (1942) and…
Zuleika Murat
Le arche di Ubertino e Jacopo IIda Carrara nel percorso artisticodi Andriolo de’ Santi Zuleika Murat This essay investigates the funerary monuments of Ubertino († 1345) and Jacopo II († 1350) da Carrara. Once located in the main chapel of the Dominican church of Padua, Sant’Agostino, and moved into the church of the Eremitani at…
Cássio Fernandes
Enea Silvio Piccolomini cosmografo:dalla Germania alla Descrizionedell’Asia Cássio Fernandes At the crossing point between the cosmographer, the historian and the traveller narrator emerge two books written by Enea Silvio Piccolomini (1405-1464), Pope Pius II: Germania and Historia rerum ubique gestarum. The latter, also known as Cosmographia, remained unfnished and was divided in two diferent parts…
Maria Rachele Baiona
Il taccuino di Teoflo Gallaccini:una rilettura Maria Rachele Baiona A considerable number of manuscripts pertaining to Teoflo Gallaccini, professor of mathematics and philosophy at the University of Siena from 1621 to his death in 1641, is collected in the Biblioteca degli Intronati in Siena. A small fascinating unique travel sketchbook is still preserved among those…
Simonetta Nicolini
Stefano Bottari e l’insegnamentodella storia dell’arte nella scuola italiana(con un’appendice di tre lettere diCarlo Ludovico Ragghianti Simonetta Nicolini Among Italian art historians active between the two world wars, Stefano Bottari was one of the most involved in the popularization of art history in the school. Starting from lesson of Matteo Marangoni and Benedetto Croce, he…
Monica Chessa
L’opera critica di Giulia Veronesi nella sua dimensione europea Monica Chessa Giulia Veronesi (1906-1970) was an important italian art critic who was active from the 1930s to the 1960s. Her scholarly activity was strongly infuenced by the aesthetic theories of Wilhelm Worringer, Konrad Fiedler, Alois Riegl, Vasilij Kandinskij, László Moholy-Nagy and Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti. She…
Alessandro Brogi
Maladidattica (e qualcosa di più).Il Cricco Di Teodoro. Versione gialla Alessandro Brogi
Denise La Monica
Mantova: un supermercato vicino a Palazzo Te Denise La Monica The historical centre of Mantova has been recently recognized as belonging to the Unesco World heritageList. As a consequence, the urban core of the city and the area of Palazzo Te are worthy to be protected and managed according to specifc rules. In 2012 the…