Le Spalle al Settecento. Forma, modellie organizzazione dei musei nella Romanapoleonica Chiara Piva This review presents a recent book by Ilaria Sgabozza (Le Spalle al Settecento. Forma, modelli e organizzazione dei musei nella Roma napoleonica), published in 2013, which contains results of a study into archives and analyzes the efects of the French administration on…
Numero: Predella n. 33
Miscellanea / Miscellany
- Zuleika Murat
- Cássio Fernandes
- Maria Rachele Baiona
- Simonetta Nicolini
- Monica Chessa
- Alessandro Brogi
- Denise La Monica
- Annamaria Ducci
- Denise La Monica
- Alessandro Furiesi
- Pisa: appello contro la tutela “amatoriale” del patrimonio storico-artistico
- Emanuele Pellegrini
- Fabienne Fravalo
- Paolo Martore
- Francesco Federici
- Silvia De Min
- Giovanna Ragionieri
- Giovanni Russo
- Pamela Breda
- Francesca Curti
- Chiara Piva
- Federica De Rosa
- Paolo Coen
- Silvia Maria Sara Cammarata
- Luca Manzo
- Silvia Giordano
Monografia / Monograph
Federica De Rosa
Accademie Patrimoni di Belle Arti.Un libro e un convegno Federica De Rosa The volume Accademie Patrimoni di Belle Arti, edited by Giovanna Cassese, was published as the frst result of MIUR-AFAM’s advisory board on the cultural heritage of Italian Academies of Fine Arts (Accademie di Belle Arti). It was presented on occasion of the symposium…
Paolo Coen
To and From: Modernism andVernacular Architecture Paolo Coen Vernacular, or popular architecture has been a major feld of study and inspiration since the beginning of the twentieth century, as evidenced by Bruno Zevi, among others. The Portuguese contribution to the state of the art, already strong in the 1960s, has been lately enriched by a…
Silvia Maria Sara Cammarata
Il Gabinetto Disegni e Stampedella GAM di Torino.Storia prospettive e un punto di vista Silvia Maria Sara Cammarata The recent opening of the Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe at the GAM of Turin is the last event of a long chain that began well before the foundation of the Museo Civico in 1863. The Turinese graphic…
Luca Manzo
Villa Livia, appunti per una casa museo Luca Manzo Villa Livia is a house museum which was built in Naples between 1926 and 1931. It has survived completely intact, both outside with its small garden and inside with its rich sequence of rooms. According to an eclectic taste each room was inspired by a diferent…
Silvia Giordano
Pop-Up Museums: challenging thenotion of the museum as a permanentinstitution Silvia Giordano The phenomenon of Pop-Up museums stands as a new frontier for the conception of time and space in the process of culture enjoyment producing a relevant challenge for the museum as a permanent institution. This article analyzes the development of Pop-Up culture in…