Donatello, the birth of Renaissance Plaquettes and their representation in the Berlin Sculpture Collection Michale Riddick Wilhelm (von) Bode´s spirit of acquisition in turn-of-the-century Berlin would result in forming a significant and comprehensive collection of Donatelloesque plaquettes, here explored for their function and influence in the genesis of plaquettes as a genre of sculpture.
Carsten Schneider
The Alessandri Madonna in the Sculpture Collection of the Berlin State Museums:’Fake’ or ‘Original’?Research and Restoration of a terracotta relief attributed to Luca della Robbia Cartsen Schneider This article reports on a recent restoration of a work from the Sculpture Collection of the Berlin Museums.A painted terracotta lunette representing the Virgin and Child between two…
Alison Luchs
The Berlin and Washington busts of the Young Saint John the Baptist and the altered legacy of Desiderio da Settignano Alison Luchs At least three surviving Florentine painted terracotta busts of the young John the Baptist appear to derivefrom the same mid-fifteenth-century model. The style and high quality of that model, once attributedto Donatello, are…
Fabio Gaffo
Lorenzo de’Medicis’s bust in Berlin: (dis)order and (mis)fortune of a casting tradition Fabio Gaffo No portrayal has likely done more to crystallize the image we have of Lorenzo de’ Medici than theRenaissance terracotta bust in the National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Credited with spreading whatis his most largely attested depiction, more than a dozen…
Gabriele Fattorini
Due aggiunte al Marrina plasticatore: una figura e un busto di Santa Ctaerina da Siena Gabriele Fattorini Lorenzo di Mariano known as Marrina (1476-1534) emerges from the most recent studies as the lastgreat Sienese sculptor of the Renaissance. He was able to stand out not only for his extraordinary “ornatiall’antica” in marble, but also for…
Matteo Ceriana
Michael Knuth e la scultura rinascimentale italiana del Bode-Museum Matteo Ceriana Michael Knuth (1949-2010) was curator of the sculpture collection at the Berlin Museums for three decades. This article pays tribute to the art historian’s choices, particularly in the field of fourteenth- and fifteenthcentury Italian sculpture scholarship, but also with regard to its presentation in…
Regine Dehnel
What Happened in the Friedrichshain Flak Bunker in May 1945 ? Regine Dehnel The paper outlines the history of the anti-aircraft bunker located in the Friedrichshain park near the historiccenter of Berlin in the months and years following the end of World War II. This bunker was one of thecentral locations in which the Berlin…
Anastasia Yurchenko
Between Lost and Found. Notes on historical aspects of transition of art objects from the Berlin Sculpture Collection during and after WWII Anastasia Yurchenko This paper provides an insight into the destiny of translocated art objects from the Berlin Sculpture Collection after WWII. Numerous pieces of art were lost, damaged and moved to the USSR;…
Anna Aponasenko
Works from the Sculpture Collection of the Berlin State Museum in the Fund of DIsplaced Art of the State Hermitage Museum in 1945 – 1958 Anna Aponasenko The article addresses the history of how Italian Renaissance sculpture from the Sculpture Collection of theBerlin State Museums came after the Second World War to the State Hermitage…
Guillaume Nicoud
Le Napoléon législateur de Chaudet, symbole moderne de la translatioimperii Guillaume Nicoud This article studies the translocations of a major marble statue by the French sculptor Antoine Denis Chaudet representing Napoleon as a Legislator, which was considered the most important imperial effigy of the First French Empire. After 1814-1815, the work was sent to Prussia…