Una partnership internazionale inTerra di Lavoro nell’età durazzesca Mariarosaria Ruggiero This essay retraces the events of a studio where two artistic personalities who worked in the area of Terra di Lavoro during the age of Ladislao of Durazzo stood out and created a figurative enclave. Their artistic language developed between the end of the fourteenth…
Vittoria Brunetti
Un Marte “da galleria”, opera diGiovanni Baratta Vittoria Brunetti Around 1736-1737 Giovanni Baratta sculpted two medallions with the portraits of Mars and Minerva for the façade of the Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso, designed by the architect Filippo Juvarra. The appearance of another version of the Mars on the art market sheds…
Livia de Pinto
Dalla trasparenza alla materia.(Di)segni della Scuola di San Lorenzoper un ritorno alla pittura a Romatra fine anni Settanta eprimi anni Ottanta del Novecento Livia de Pinto In the city of Rome, the events that characterized the activity of seven artists identified as the Scuola di San Lorenzo have been particularly significant in a time frame…
David Lucidi
Dello Delli pittore e scultore fiorentino.Spunti attributivi e spigolatured’archivio David Lucidi This article regards Daniello di Niccolò Delli, well-known as Dello Delli (Florence, 1403 – Spain, post 1466?).It focuses on the artist’s first activity, that is the beginning of his career in Florence in the early 1420s, his stay in Siena and Venice between 1425…
Fabrizio Ansani,
Jan Verheyen
La berretta del condottiero.Alle origini di un’iconografiaquattrocentesca Fabrizio Ansani, Jan Verheyen In the Double portrait of the dukes of Urbino, Piero della Francesca immortalized the profile of one of the most celebrated mercenary captains of his time. In the Portrait of a woman with a man at a casement, Fra Filippo Lippi depicted the countenance…
Marco Vaccaro
Alle origini della collezioneDragonetti de Torres:l’inedita raccolta aquilana delmarchese Massimo Alferi Marco Vaccaro Dragonetti de Torres was one of the most important art collections of Abruzzo, known to scholars and travellers as early as the 19th century and remained in L’Aquila until 1970-1971. Devoid of ancient history and formed through the union between the two…
Elena Franchi
Il sogno degli umanisti:la proposta italiana di un’Accademiainternazionale della Pace e di unaConvenzione per la protezione delpatrimonio artistico e culturale, 1949 Elena Franchi After the Second World War, an international convention for the protection of cultural heritage in times of conflict was urgently needed. On the 11th January 1949, a meeting took place in Rome,…
Francesco Speranza
Camillo Marcolini Gran Ciambellanodi Sassonia: uno specialista delle artiapplicate alla direzione dell’Accademiadi Belle Arti e dei musei di Dresda Francesco Speranza Count Camillo Marcolini applied the economic features and the interest for the decorative arts that had characterized his career at the Court of Dresden to the General Direction of the Dresden Academy of Fine…
Romina Origlia
Una mostra per Alessandria e il suoterritorio: tra restauri e nuovi studi Romina Origlia Recensione alla mostra Alessandria scolpita 1450-1535. Sentimenti e passioni fra Gotico e Rinascimento, Alessandria, 14 dicembre 2018 – 2 giugno 2019.
Elisa Bernard
Il fake e l’arte contemporanea Elisa Bernard Recensione a Tommaso Casini, Laura Lombardi (a cura di), The Gentle Art of Fake. Arti, teorie e dibattiti sul falso, Milano, Silvana Editore, 2019.