“The Alcove: an interior with three figures”. Leonora Carrington, Max Ernst e Leonor Fini – Saint Martin d’Ardèche 1938/1940 Giulia Ingarao Between 1938 and 1940 Leonora Carrington and Max Ernst settled in Saint Martin d’Ardèche, in the south of France; this article analyzes the works produced by the two artists during this period (sculptures, murals,…
Numero: Predella n. 41-42
Miscellanea / Miscellany
- Alba Barceló
- Rudolf Schier
- Claudia La Malfa
- Cristina Gaglione
- Ilaria Taddeo
- Gianpasquale Greco
- Chiara Minardi
- Laurent Grison
- Giulia Ingarao
- Francesca Pirozzi
- Paul Tucker
- Eliana Carrara
- Silvia Massa
- Gigetta Dalli Regoli
- Marco Brunetti
Monografia / Monograph
- Louise Bourdua
- Sam Smiles
- Anita F. Moskowitz
- Corina Meyer
- Corentin Dury
- Julia M. Nauhaus
- Paul Tucker
- Martina Becattini
- Laura Fenelli
- Hayley Flynn
- Kathleen McLauchlan
- Antonella Bellin
- Alan Crookham
- Laura Lombardi
- Lyrica Taylor
- Elisa Camporeale
- Assunta De Crescenzo
- Roberto Risso
- Chiara Moriconi
- Marie Tavinor
- Lynn Caterson
- Robert Gibbs
Francesca Pirozzi
Il senso di Luigi Ontani per la maestria della ceramica e delle arti popolari Francesca Pirozzi Luigi Ontani represents an emblematic figure to explain the co-creation paradigm of the work of art based on the synergic relationship between creator and performer. Thanks to his collaboration with excellent craftsmen, Ontani indeed achieved the most spectacular results…
Paul Tucker
Titling and the Individuation of Artworks Paul Tucker Ruth Bernard Yeazell offers an interesting and much-needed account of how pictures came to acquire titles, in the sense of names functioning as guides to interpretation. Her historical analysis would benefit from greater attention to the title’s evolving functions in discourse.
Eliana Carrara
Scrivere d’arte nel Cinquecento Eliana Carrara This book offers a new and original point of view on the main themes discussed in Sixteenth-century art historiography. Ranging from antiquarian to collecting, from the debate over the primacy of the arts to the reflection on techniques, it highlights the emerging artist on the cultural scene of the…
Silvia Massa
Orlando Grosso e l’arte genovese tra musei civici e connoisseurship Silvia Massa This review presents a book by Andrea Leonardi (published in the series «Le Voci del Museo», 2016, n. 37) that by exploring new archival documentation aims at sheding light on Orlando Grosso’s thought and activity in his double role of connoisseur of Ligurian…
Gigetta Dalli Regoli
Les Cahiers de l’Ornement/2 Gigetta Dalli Regoli This is the review of the second volume of the series Les Cahiers de l’Ornement, edited by Pierre Caye and Francesco Solinas, published by De Luca ED., which contains essays by Marc Fumaroli, Maria Celeste Cola, Calin Demetrescu, Sabine Frommel, Charles Dominique Fuchs, Marc Fumaroli, Giulia Fusconi, David…
Marco Brunetti
Recensione a M. S. Bottai, S. Cecchini, N. Mandarano (a cura di), Artestorie. Le professioni della storia dell’arte Marco Brunetti Artestorie is a recollection of thirty stories by Italian art historians, all answering to the question: what do you do today with a degree in art history? A selection of professionals, from North to South…
2001-2015: Odissea di distruzione Gerardo de Simone, Emanuele Pellegrini The beginning of the third millennium was marked by two dramatic events: the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan and the attack to the Twin Towers. From then on an unprecedented global terrorist war, first practiced by Talibans, now by IS militants, has used the world…
Louise Bourdua
Introduction Louise Bourdua This issue of Predella comprises six essays that explore how artists and patrons interacted with the Trecento during the fifteenth century, dealing both with subject matter and style. Some authors have interpreted the insistence on the Trecento as a deliberate choice of models by patrons and painters. In other cases, however, the…