De-tutela, idee e pareri sui beni culturali e la loro difesa nell’Italia del Verybello Eliana Carrara How is cultural heritage regarded in Italy? Is it considered an asset or a burden for the Italian state, charged by the debts of the public service? This book, coedited by Lorenzo Carletti and Cristiano Giometti, tries to answer…
Numero: Predella n. 35
Miscellanea / Miscellany
- Andrea Pinotti
- David Carrier
- Johannis Tsoumas
- Cecilia Riva
- Michele Fucich
- Paolo Coen
- Eliana Carrara
- Maria Stella Bottai
- Neville Rowley
- Gigetta Dalli Regoli
- Paolo di Simone
- Maria Barbara Guerrieri Borsoi
- Elisa Tagliaferri
- Gigetta Dalli Regoli
- Alessandro Grassi
- Michele Cuppone
- Annamaria Ducci
Monografia / Monograph
Maria Stella Bottai
Per conoscere Marisa Volpi Maria Stella Bottai The article deals with the cultural heritage of Marisa Volpi (Macerata 1928-Rome 2015) in the field of contemporary art history, in particular her documents archive and the dedicated website ( Professor Emeritus of Art History at La Sapienza University of Rome, art critic and writer, Marisa Volpi devoted…
Neville Rowley
Il Pollaio bruciato. La Madonna col Bambino di Piero del Pollaio nel Musée des Beaux-Arts di Strasburgo Neville Rowley This article presents a Virgin and Child by Piero del Pollaiolo preserved in the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Strasbourg, which so far was presumed to have been lost in a fire in 1947. Even if the…
Gigetta Dalli Regoli
Teste. Un’aggiunta ai disegni dall’antico: il ruolo di Lorenzo di Credi Gigetta Dalli Regoli The exhibition Power and Pathos. Bronze Sculpture of the Hellenistic World (Florence, Palazzo Strozzi, 2015) offered the author the opportunity to identify the model of a Study of Male Head, a drawing probably executed by Lorenzo di Credi, which is today…
Paolo di Simone
L’ambiguità del significante. A proposito di alcune recenti letture della Tempesta, e di una possibile “fonte visiva” di Giorgione Paolo di Simone This essay discusses Hans Belting’s and Bernard Aikema’s recent studies on Giorgione’s Tempesta. The authors connect this enigmatic masterpiece with Jacopo Sannazaro’s Arcadia, the Renaissance notion of a Golden Age and the debate…
Maria Barbara Guerrieri Borsoi
Nuovi documenti su Pietro da Cortona e il rinnovamento della cappella della Santissima Concezione in San Lorenzo in Damaso Maria Barbara Guerrieri Borsoi The article investigates the changes made in 1634-35 by the Roman confraternity of the Santissima Concezione to its chapel located in the church of San Lorenzo in Damaso. With the support of…
Elisa Tagliaferri
L’attività di Giacinto Fabbroni nel contado fiorentino: l’Impruneta e dintorni Elisa Tagliaferri Impruneta is a small village 12 km south of Florence which is best known since the Middle Ages for its miraculous icon of the Virgin. But Impruneta is also interesting for the Baroque paintings by Giacinto Fabbroni (1711-1783), such as the lost organ…
Gigetta Dalli Regoli
Antonio e Piero Pollaiolo. “Nell’argento e nell’oro, in pittura e nel bronzo…” Gigetta Dalli Regoli The exhibition held at the Museo Poldi Pezzoli in Milan (7 November 2014-19 February 2015) offered a significant overview of the different art techniques used by the brothers Antonio and Piero del Pollaiolo in their workshops, and showed how works…
Alessandro Grassi
Carlo Dolci (1616- 1686) Alessandro Grassi The exhibition Carlo Dolci (1616-1686) at the Galleria Palatina in Florence shows a wide range of paintings by one of the main Tuscan artists of the seventeenth century. Dolci’s career is analyzed in relation to his early masters and to the Florentine context. Some critical problems are faced in…
Michele Cuppone
I Petrignani di Amelia. Fasti, commitenze, collezioni tra Roma e l’Umbria Michele Cuppone The result of a decade of study and archival research, Massimo Moretti’s monograph scrupulously reconstructs the ascent and decline of a noble Umbrian family, the Petrignani. Based in Amelia, the Petrignani reached their apex with Monsignor Fantino, best known for having hosted…