Alexander Auf der Heyde, Santi Di Bella
Editoriale Alexander Auf der Heyde, Santi Di Bella
Anna Villari
Domenico Morelli e Pasquale Villari Anna Villari This paper focuses on the long friendship and intellectual exchange between Domenico Morelli and Pasquale Villari, historian, theorist, and central figure in post-unification Italy’s intellectual and institutional panorama. Sharing in their youth the same political ideals and cultural passions, which, in the wake of Giuseppe Mazzini’s views, took…
Santi Di Bella
Imbriani, Morelli e la teoria della «macchia» Santi Di Bella The essay investigates Croce’s interest in Imbriani’s essay on “macchia”. In this essay, Morelli’s painting is referred to as an artistic example of a correct, modern, and effective aesthetics. Such an approach is neither imitative nor naturalistic but, at the same time, effective in showing…
Isabella Valente
«Sapeva quello che non sapeva, e vedeva ciò che non aveva mai visto». Lo sguardo critico. Domenico Morelli attraverso la stampa periodica del suo tempo (1860-1880) Isabella Valente With this contribution, we would like to retrace the thought of the critics who evaluated Domenico Morelli’s works from the early 1860s to 1880, the year of…
Maria Saveria Ruga
Domenico Morelli «artista mediterraneo». Pagine di critica di secondo Ottocento e primo Novecento Maria Saveria Ruga The essay analyzes a selection of texts that, between the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries, point to Orientalist painting as one of the most innovative area in Domenico Morelli’s research, already among his contemporaries. Morelli’s Orient thus proves to be…
Fausto Minervini
Napoli-Boston via Firenze: appunti su Ashton Rollins Willard e la ricezione critica americana di Morelli Fausto Minervini The figure of the American author Ashton Rollins Willard has always played a mysterious and marginal role in the context of the critical reception of Domenico Morelli’s art. Today, some new verifications and in-depth studies in Italian and…
Vincenzo Caputo
La fortuna del Morelli scrittore: i Ricordi di Camillo Miola (1915) Vincenzo Caputo The essay focuses on Domenico Morelli’s fortune as a writer. His Ricordi della scuola napoletana di pittura dopo il ‘40 e Filippo Palizzi (1901), suspended between commemoration and autobiography, occupy a leading role in the season of art memoirs between the 19th…
Alexander Auf der Heyde
L’eroe-artista e self-made man alle soglie del Novecento: Morelli attraverso gli scritti di Primo Levi Alexander Auf der Heyde Published in 1906 on the occasion of the State’s purchase of the painter’s atelier, Primo Levi l’Italico’s monograph dedicated to Domenico Morelli was the final piece in a commemorative campaign orchestrated by the artist’s brother-in-law Pasquale…
Davide Lacagnina
Dal romanticismo al simbolismo: il respiro europeo della pittura di Domenico Morelli nella proposta di Vittorio Pica Davide Lacagnina Drawing upon unpublished documentation, this article reconsiders Vittorio Pica’s interests in Domenico Morelli’s painting within the broader context of contemporary European art. The essay reviews some important events and aspects, such as the organization of Morelli’s…