Alcuni aspetti del problema del consolidamento delle strutture
Il consolidamento dei monumenti: aspetti storici e normativi
Il consolidamento dei monumenti: aspetti storici e normativi
Bruno Zanardi
Introduzione Bruno Zanardi This essay acts as an introduction to the 23 texts dedicated to or written by Giovanni Urbani, director of the Italian Institute for Restoration (Istituto Centrale del Restauro – ICR) from 1973 to 1983.
Bruno Zanardi
Per un profilo biografiodi Giovanni Urbani (1925-1994) Bruno Zanardi This paper represents the first biography of Giovanni Urbani, from the beginning of his career at the ICR, where he met Cesare Brandi, to his appointment as a director in 1973. Then Urbani quitted this institution in 1983. Some turning points of his career, such as…
Bruno Zanardi
Bibliografia di Giovanni Urbani (1947-2000) Bruno Zanardi
Raffaele La Capria
La mia amicizia con Giovanni.Un dialogo di Raffaele La Capriacon Bruno Zanardi Raffaele La Capria In this interview Raffaele La Capria, neapolitan writer, remembers his life long, deep friendship with Giovanni Urbani from their first meeting at Harvard seminar in 1957 to Urbani’s death in Rome in 1986.
Giorgio Agamben
Il daimon di Giovanni Giorgio Agamben Giorgio Agamben met Govanni Urbani in 1963 in Rome. In this interview he remembers the elitary being of Urbani, his lively intelligence and wide knowlegde. In recalling their intellectual friendship, Agamben focuses in particular on their common reflection on Martin Heidegger’s oeuvre very little known in Italy at that…
Cesare Brandi
Così si possono salvare i monumentidai terremoti Cesare Brandi In this article, published in one of the main Italian newspaper, the «Corriere della Sera», Cesare Brandi, former director of the ICR, strongly supports Urbani’s decision to withdrawn from the position of director of the ICR in 1983. This was the very same year when Urbani…
Francesco Sacco
Il terremoto in Italia.Un dialogo di Bruno Zanardicon Francesco Sacco Francesco Sacco In this dialogue with Bruno Zanardi, the architect Francesco Sacco, designer of Urbani’s 1983 exhibition dedicated to La protezione del patrimonio monumentale dai terremoti, adds many relevants details on Urbani’s activity in the field of preservation of cultural heritage.
Joselita Raspi Serra
La genesi della Teoria del restauro.Un dialogo di Joselita Raspi Serracon Bruno Zanardi Joselita Raspi Serra In this short interview Joseplita Raspi Serra tells the history of Cesare Brandi’s Teoria del Restauro, one of the pillar of the philosophy of restoration, since its birth as a series of essays publicated on the «Bollettino dell’ICR» during…