La sindrome di Stoccolma della interdisciplinarità Gerardo de Simone, Emanuele Pellegrini
Martina Visentin
Storie di altari lignei in Friuli. Provvedimenti di tutela delle Soprintendenze e delle Kunstschutzgruppen durante la guerra (1915-1918) Martina Visentin During the First World War, monuments and works of art, including those in Friuli, were subject to extensive protection measures. This peripheral territory, located near the eastern borders with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, offers a significant…
Daniele Rivoletti
La lunga vita materiale delle pale d’altare composite Daniele Rivoletti Like most polyptychs and pale executed in the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, composite altarpieces (i.e. painted altarpieces with a sculpted image in the central compartment of the main register) had a troubled material life between the 16th and 19th centuries. However, their secular…
Gerardo de Simone
Il polittico di Andrea Guardi per il Duomo di Carrara. Un’aggiunta e una nuova proposta di ricostruzione Gerardo de Simone This essay focuses on the monumental marble polyptych sculpted in the early 1460s by Andrea Guardi, a pupil of Donatello and Michelozzo, for the high altar of Carrara Duomo. A masterpiece from the mature phase…
Molly Hughes-Hallett
Anachronistic or Visionary? Evaluating Giovanni di Paolo’s use of Silver Leaf on a 15th-century Sienese Predella Molly Hughes-Hallett Giovanni di Paolo’s unusual use of silver is a material choice unexplored in terms of defining his aesthetic, as well as contextualizing him within the artistic Zeitgeist of his generation. A technical study of Giovanni di Paolo’s…
Marya Albrecht, Ella Hendriks
A Spanish retablo in Utrecht: material-technical analysis of the 15th century altarpiece from De Haar castle Marya Albrecht, Ella Hendriks De Haar Castle (Utrecht, the Netherlands) owns an ensemble of eight paintings, showing scenes from the life of Mary, originating from an altarpiece dedicated to the Virgin. The panels are currently attributed to an anonymous…
Silvia Marcheselli
Cum colonnellis et [p]redula».(Im)materialità della committenza di polittici per la chiesa dell’Ospedale Santa Chiara di Pisa Silvia Marcheselli Between 1301 and 1402, at least three polyptychs were commissioned for the church of the Santa Chiara Hospital in Pisa, only one of which has partially survived. This artistic initiative reveals a polarity between the emerging role…
Cyprien Fuchs
Un problème de taille. À propos du format original du retable de Taddeo Gaddi pour la Compagnia di Santa Maria della Croce al Tempio Cyprien Fuchs This paper focuses on the panel housed in the Museo Bandini in Fiesole depicting an Annunciation attributed to the Florentine painter Taddeo Gaddi. It was initially part of an…
Massimo Moretti
«Che razza de roba». Corrado Ricci, Anselmo Anselmi e un’inchiesta per la vendita del Dossale di Giuliano da Rimini a Boston Massimo Moretti Starting from unpublished documentation found at the State Central Archive in Rome, this study traces the fortunes of two masterpieces of the 14th-century Rimini school: the Crucifix by Pietro da Rimini and…
Virginia Caramico
Eloquenza del frammento: un esercizio sulla predella francescana di Ugolino di Nerio nel Museo di Villa Guinigi a Lucca Virginia Caramico The focus of this essay will be a fragmentary predella by Ugolino di Nerio, currently displayed at the Museo di Villa Guinigi in Lucca. This piece, which has received limited scholarly attention, most likely…