American collecting, Stefano Bardini & the Taste for Trequattrocento Florence Lynn Caterson Just around the turn of the century, the desire on the part of wealthy American and European collectors for Italian art was exorbitant. Operating out of Florence, the dealer Stefano Bardini (1836-1922) succeeded in matching that demand by stocking collections with ample quantities…
Numero: Predella n. 41-42
Miscellanea / Miscellany
- Alba Barceló
- Rudolf Schier
- Claudia La Malfa
- Cristina Gaglione
- Ilaria Taddeo
- Gianpasquale Greco
- Chiara Minardi
- Laurent Grison
- Giulia Ingarao
- Francesca Pirozzi
- Paul Tucker
- Eliana Carrara
- Silvia Massa
- Gigetta Dalli Regoli
- Marco Brunetti
Monografia / Monograph
- Louise Bourdua
- Sam Smiles
- Anita F. Moskowitz
- Corina Meyer
- Corentin Dury
- Julia M. Nauhaus
- Paul Tucker
- Martina Becattini
- Laura Fenelli
- Hayley Flynn
- Kathleen McLauchlan
- Antonella Bellin
- Alan Crookham
- Laura Lombardi
- Lyrica Taylor
- Elisa Camporeale
- Assunta De Crescenzo
- Roberto Risso
- Chiara Moriconi
- Marie Tavinor
- Lynn Caterson
- Robert Gibbs
Robert Gibbs
A 21st-century Invention of a 19th-century Giotto Revival; the ‘Stendhal Syndrome’ Robert Gibbs