Cecilia Vicentini, La collezione Calcagnini d’Este. Una famiglia e le sue raccolte tra Ferrara e Roma Sara Menato Rewiew of the monograph on the Calcagnini d’Este family, written by a renowed specialist in field on History of Collecting in Ferrara, Cecilia Vicentini. The volume contains the transcription of a big amount of documents, for the…
Vlad Ionescu
From nothing, from an “idea”: Barbara Baert’s iconology of immersions and transitions Vlad Ionescu The following article discusses the iconological research of prof.dr. Barbara Baert (Francquis Chair 2016) on the Pneuma, a motifs that includes breath, wind, rauch, odour, stains, movement and silence. It is based on her latest publication Pneuma and the Visual Medium…
Annamaria Ducci
La continuità storica della coscienza del patrimonio culturale in Europa Annamaria Ducci The volume accurately describes the policies of cultural heritage protection adopted by the Office International des Musées and by other cultural organisms of the League Nations, between 1925 and the Second World War. The mass of archival documents collected and acutely commented by…
Manuela Ritondale
Peggy Levitt, Artifacts and allegiances. How museums put the nation and the world on display Manuela Ritondale Based on firsthand conversations with museums professionals, this book investigates the way museums represent diversity and respond to the effects of globalization. By wondering whether museums might have a role in shaping citizens, Peggy Levitt compares case-studies in…