Giambettino Cignaroli’s Ecstasy of Saint Francis at Pontremoli Robert Randolf Coleman In 1765, Verona’s premier painter, Giambettino Cignaroli (1706-70), completed a canvas representing Ecstasy of St. Francis for the main altar of San Francesco in Pontremoli. Painted toward the end of Cignaroli’s career, the altarpiece is one of two works that the artist produced in…
Luisa Berretti
L’antologia cartacea di Alberigo Carlini: appunti e disegni di un frate pittore tra Roma e la Toscana nel Settecento Luisa Berretti This article focuses on the activity as draughtsman of the Franciscan monk Alberigo Carlini, who spent his life painting canvases and frescoes for Franciscan churches and convents in Tuscany and Rome. After a period…
Antonella Gioli e Anna Salvadorini*
l pittore e il priore: accordi, acquisti e colori di Pietro Giarrè alla Certosa di Calci di Alfonso Maggi (1770-1781) Antonella Gioli e Anna Salvadorini* The Charterhouse of Calci near Pisa during the eighteenth century is involved in a deep architectural and decorative renewal. The paper investigates the wall paintings commissioned by prior Alfonso Giuseppe…
Petra Boekstal
An unknown Belgian collection of 16th-18th centuries Italian drawings Petra Boekstal The purpose of this article is to bring to the notice of the public a Belgian noble collection of Italian Old Master drawings, which was acquired in Italy around 1800 by Baron de Presle. The existence of this collection was discovered when Petra Boekstal…
Stefano Renzoni
Novità sul soggiorno romano di Giovanni Battista Tempesti Stefano Renzoni The article sheds new light on the permanence in Rome of the Pisan painter Giovanni Battista Tempesti (1729-1804), yet not studied in detail. The article is based on new documentary evidences about Tempesti’s life in Rome and on ten unpublished drawings to be referred to…
Camilla Murgia
Transposed Models: the British Career of Antonio Cesare de Poggi (1744-1836) Camilla Murgia This article deals with the figure of Antonio Cesare de Poggi, a Tuscan artist active in London during the last decades of the 18th century. Poggi’s British career will be explored in order to understand how the artist integrated London’s artistic sphere…
Valentina Frascarolo
Una galleria tascabile: un libro di ricordi di Giuseppe Bezzuoli e altri quaderni di appunti e disegni Valentina Frascarolo An unpublished sketchbook belonged to the Florentine painter Giuseppe Bezzuoli (Firenze 1788-1855), today preserved in the GDSU of Florence, contains various copies from ancient sculptures gathered during the reorganization of the «Real Galleria degli Uffizi» promoted…
Emanuele Pellegrini
Tre generazioni nella pittura del Settecento toscano Emanuele Pellegrini In the second half of eighteenth century some Florentine men of letters (Bottari, Pelli Bencivenni) pointed out the decadence of the arts in Italy at the time they were writing, and in particular in Tuscany. Such an assessment implies one golden period at the very beginning…
Michele Dantini
Piero Manzoni 1959: tre Achromes “prensili” e una svolta New Dada Michele Dantini In Piero Manzoni 1959: tre Achromes “prensili” e la svolta New Dada [Piero Manzoni 1959: Three Prehensile Achromes and the New Dada Turn] Michele Dantini proposes unexpected modernist sources for the wellknown series of Manzoni’s “white” works of the years 1957-1957 while…
Michele Fucich
«Un’immane critica delle confuse perifrasi». Introduzione a Carl Einstein critico d’arte (Parte I) Michele Fucich Carl Einstein (1885-1940) was a German art critic and writer whose original approach to European avantgarde and primitivism hasn’t been adequately taken into account by the Italian academic world, despite a growing international attention to his intellectual legacy in the…