Un artista dopo due guerre. Le Demolizioni di Mario Mafai tra critica e militanza Michela Morelli Mario Mafai’s life and work is characterized by ideological and political interests concretized in certain iconographic and stylistic choices and, between 1945 and 1958, in his militancy in the ranks of the Italian Communist Party. These motives, in the…
Livia Garomersini
«Il Contemporaneo»: l’arte attraverso gli occhi del Partito Comunista Italiano (1954-1964) Livia Garomersini Since the post-World War II period, the PCI’s relations with the art world have strongly characterised the national cultural scene. The magazines have always been a privileged starting point for understanding this relationship, including the cultural policy of the party itself. And…
Alessandro Barile
Il PCI tra crisi del realismo e rifiuto dell’avanguardia (1955-1959) Alessandro Barile With the end of the 1950s, realism, understood as an artistic category, goes into crisis. The society, on the threshold of the economic boom, changed its face, and with it its cultural references. The Italian Communist Party reacts to the change first by…
Giorgio Motisi
Verso una biografia collettiva. Renato Guttuso e i ritratti dei compagni di partito negli anni di guerra Giorgio Motisi During World War II, Renato Guttuso’s atelier represented a crucial hub for several protagonists of the anti-fascist circles in Rome. In just a few years, the artist created portraits of numerous prominent members of the clandestine…
Jerome Bazin
Realism from Italy – Socialism from Eastern Europe: The Sense of Place in the 1950s Jerome Bazin The article is about paintings and graphic art that circulated between Italy and Eastern Europe, principally the Soviet Union and Poland, in the 1950s. Selected images are various landscapes and images of land occupations. Those images were at…
Martina Tanga, Yang Wang
Exhibiting Communist Italy Abroad: The 1956 Artist Delegation to the People’s Republic of China Martina Tanga e Yang Wang In the 1950s, Italian Communists looked not only to the USSR but to China’s nascent regime, the People’s Republic of China, for cultural exchange and collective inspiration. Italy sought alternative avenues toward a revolution and China…
Emanuele Pellegrini
Marxismo e marxisti perplessi. Una storia (dell’arte) ancora da scrivere Emanuele Pellegrini In 1980 Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti published with Editoriale Nova of Milan Marxismo perplesso, a collection of his most important essays on Marxism, some of them still unpublished. Although largely ignored, the book shows an innovative perspective on Marxism and visual arts, which appears…
Gerardo de Simone, Emanuele Pellegrini
Paesaggio mio fatti capanna Gerardo de Simone e Emanuele Pellegrini
Michele Amedei
“Verità, vivezza, effetto”: il ritratto di Stanislao Pointeau dipinto da Amos Cassioli nel 1861 Michele Amedei The article investigates the portrait painted by Amos Cassioli in 1861 for his friend Stanislao Pointeau, one of the major exponents of the Macchiaioli group.The work, recently rediscovered in the collections of Pointeau’s heirs, was exhibited with success at…
Linda Bertelli, Agnese Ghezzi
Decostruire Gerda Taro: le immagini, le tracce storiche, il mito Linda Bertelli e Agnese Ghezzi