Décalages et parallèles: roberto longhi et marcel proust di Donatien Grau Preview This essay aims to look into Roberto Longhi’s relation to Proust in terms, not only of an art historical reference, but of a methodological device in order to engage with the relation to time and to the medium. Looking into the texts Longhi…
Numero: Predella n. 36
- Neville Rowley
- Mattia Vinco
- Ljerka Dulibić
- Federica Rovati
- Gilles A. Tiberghien
- Lorenzo Carletti e Cristiano Giometti
- Michele Dantini
- Emanuele Pellegrini
- Francesco Galluzzi
- Donatien Grau
- François-René Martin
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Miscellanea / Miscellany
François-René Martin
«Estrema tule». Sur une métaphore géographique chez roberto longhi di François-René Martin Preview This article investigates the metaphor estrema Thule used by Roberto Longhi in an essay written in 1941 on Italian and German art. For Longhi, the painter that evokes the mythological place of Thule, at the edge of the world, is Grünewald: a…
Effetto medusa
Effetto Medusa: immagine e tempo a teatro di Silvia De Min Preview The essay investigates the relationship between time and theatrical image. Following the suggestion of “Medusa’s effects”, it is possible to identify a theory of still images on the stage. The relationship between time and theatrical image is discussed in the context of quasi immobile performative…
Scultori mantovani
Diana scultori mantovana: appunti per una ricerca di Isabella Calidonna Preview The article’s purpose is to resume the first stage of achievements about the artist Diana Scultori which are part of a wider study. Diana Scultori (1547-1612), doughter of Giovan Battista and Adam’s sister, from her engravings’ cataloguing to the critical debate on the documents,…
‘Dancing girl with cymbals’ by antonio canova
Some questions about the provenance of the ‘dancing girl with cymbals’ by antonio canova in the bode-museum, berlin di Neville Rowley Preview This article investigates the provenance of the Dancing Girl with Cymbals by Antonio Canova now in the Bode-Museum, Berlin, from the completion of the marble by Canova in his studio in Rome, to…
Processate Elia Volpi
Processate elia volpi: alcuni documenti sul commercio del falso tra italia e stati uniti di Federica Gastaldello Preview Elia Volpi was born on 25th march 1858 in Colle Plinio. He studied as painter at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, until understood that he wouldn’t gain any success with this work and so he…
Il quartiere di settecamini
Nascita ed evoluzione di una borgata nella periferia est di roma: il quartiere di settecamini Francesca Pajno Preview This paper aims at outlining the history of the modern district called “Settecamini”, in the suburbs of east- ern Rome. This district was born at the beginning of the XX century, as a consequence of some new…
Il maestro di ozieri
Il maestro di ozieri. Le inquietudini nordiche di un pittore nella sardegna del cinquecento Recensione del libro di Maria Vittoria Spissu. Padova, Il Poligrafo, 2014 di Silvia Caporaletti Preview The volume deals with the Master of Ozieri’s enigmatic personality and his activity as painter of heterodox retablos in Sardinia between the 1540’s and 1550’s. The…
Les revues d’art à paris: 1905-1940
Les revues d’art à paris: 1905-1940 Recensione a Yves Chevre ls Desbiolles, Les revues d’art à Paris: 1905-1940, nouvelle édition mise à jour, Postface de Rossella Froissart Pezone. Presses Universitaires de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, 2014 di Annamaria Ducci Preview The review presents the new edition of Y. Chevrefils-Desbiolles’s book dedicated to art and art history journals…
Ornamento senza delitto
Ornamento senza delitto Recensione di Ariane Varela Braga (a cura di), Ornamento, tra arte e design. Interpretazioni, percorsie mutazioni nell’Ottocento. Atti della giornata internazionale del 23 aprile 2009 all’Istituto Svizzero di Roma. Schwabe, Basel, 2013 Maria Stella Bottai Preview In the last few years, the study of ornament has been the object of a reevaluation…