Numero: Predella n. 36
- Neville Rowley
- Mattia Vinco
- Ljerka Dulibić
- Federica Rovati
- Gilles A. Tiberghien
- Lorenzo Carletti e Cristiano Giometti
- Michele Dantini
- Emanuele Pellegrini
- Francesco Galluzzi
- Donatien Grau
- François-René Martin
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Miscellanea / Miscellany
Neville Rowley
Introduction. Roberto Longhi, fragments de Masques di Neville Rowley Preview The present issue of «Predella» is dedicated to Roberto Longhi (1889-1970), one of the most prominent art historians of Italian painting. Even if Longhi has become a cult figure in the Italian historiography, it is argued that he deserves no cult but careful, critic and…
Mattia Vinco
Medioevo e rinascimento veronesi di Mattia Vinco Preview Roberto Longhi never studied Veronese painting sistematically during his life, and his publications entirely dedicated to this school of painting are rare. However from his texts and private communications to col- leagues and collectors, his deep knowledge of the Middle Age and Renaissance Painting in Verona clearly…
Ljerka Dulibić
Roberto Longhi e i dipinti della galleria Strossmayer di Zagabria di Ljerka Dulibić Leggi l’articolo completo PDF Preview
Federica Rovati
Un comitato torinese, una circolare a stampa e una lettera di Roberto E. Longhi di Federica Rovati Preview During the spring of 1911, the Court of Justice of Florence sentenced Giuseppe Prezzolini, editor of the peri- odical «La Voce», to ten months’ imprisonment because of an article in which he had denounced the vicious life…
Gilles A. Tiberghien
Croce et Longhi, des principes aux ceuvres di Gilles A. Tiberghien Preview During the early 20th-century, Benedetto Croce was a model for many young intellectuals in Italy; this was also the case for Roberto Longhi, who could not help questioning one aspect of Croce’s theory, the equality of nature between all arts. This article reassesses…
Lorenzo Carletti e Cristiano Giometti
In margine all’editoriale mostre e musei di Roberto Longhi: gli antichi maestri italiani a San Francisco nel 1939 di Lorenzo Carletti e Cristiano Giometti Preview In 1959 Roberto Longhi wrote an important account mapping the art exhibitions set up in Italy since the beginning of the 20th century. He expresses a bad opinion for the…
Michele Dantini
Una polemica situata e da situare. 1963: Lonzi vs Argan di Michele Dantini Preview A sharp disputation occurred in December 1963 between Carla Lonzi, art critic and pupil of Roberto Longhi, and Giulio Carlo Argan, maybe the most influential art historian in Italy at the time, Lionello Venturi’s heir at La Sapienza University in Rome….
Emanuele Pellegrini
Ragghianti e longhi in una lettera a paola barocchi di Emanuele Pellegrini Preview In 1986 Paola Barocchi wrote a letter to Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti asking information about Ragghianti’s archive. In his reply to Paola Barocchi, rich in comments on the beginning of his activity and on Italian art criticism between WWI and WWII, Ragghianti attached…
Francesco Galluzzi
Longhi contemporaneo. Dal caravaggio a cimabue (con pasolini) di Francesco Galluzzi Preview Roberto Longhi’s teaching was of great significance for a generation of art historians, but also for young men of letters around the end of WWII. The text draws some parallels between Longhi’s studies on Cara- vaggio and realistic culture in 17th-century Italy (but…