La fortuna del Morelli scrittore: i Ricordi di Camillo Miola (1915)
Vincenzo Caputo
The essay focuses on Domenico Morelli’s fortune as a writer. His Ricordi della scuola napoletana di pittura dopo il ‘40 e Filippo Palizzi (1901), suspended between commemoration and autobiography, occupy a leading role in the season of art memoirs between the 19th and 20th centuries, which by quantity and quality of texts represents an important chapter in our literary history. In particular, the contribution focuses on Camillo Miola’s Ricordi morelliani, 1915. Notwithstanding the fact that the pages of the apprentice (Miola) have as their main source the works of the master (Morelli), the former ultimately gives a different image of the latter than the one he drew in his commemoration of Palizzi in 1901. In this sense, in addition to the bibliography used by Miola, the descriptive methods he activates regarding the narration of the images painted by the patriot master are analysed.