Support us
Predella lives thanks to voluntary work and sponsors. Donations are welcome to the following bank account:
Associazione PREDELLA O.N.L.U.S.
IBAN: IT16G0359901899050188527801
Banca Popolare Etica
A yearly donation of 50 Euros enables the donor to become an official member of our Association and to receive a print copy of the two monographic issues of Predella published each year.
The names of all donors/members will be publicly thanked in the Tabula Gratulatoria of each issue.
Since Predella is a non-profit organization (Associazione di Promozione Sociale PREDELLA ONLUS, founded on December 15, 2014, Fiscal Code 93083380506), please note that all donations will be tax-deductible.
Thank you for your generosity and help!
[email protected]