Per la storia della fortuna di Witelo nel Rinascimento: l’introduzione alla Prospettiva di Ettore Ausonio
Elia Favalli
This essay aims to show the di# usion and the interpretation of Witelo’s Perspective in the Renaissance,
by taking into consideration, in particular, the Introduzione alla Prospettiva, an unpublished document
written by Ettore Ausonio (1520 – 1570 ca.), preserved at the Ambrosiana Library of Milan. In his text dated 17 Novembre 1564, Ausonio, a physician and mathematician, not only o# ers one of the ” rst transcriptions in vernacular of some Witelo theorems, but he also underlines its importance even from a pratical point of view, highlighting the continuing discussion in the perspectival ” eld of the Medieval text in mid-sixteenth century.