Elenco delle pubblicazioni di Danielle Gaborit-Chopin Benedetta Chiesi, Giampaolo Distefano Questa bibliografia, che raccoglie le principali pubblicazioni di Danielle Gaborit-Chopin, è organizzata in senso cronologico; per ogni anno sono elencate dapprima le monografie, poi i contributi in catalogo, a seguire gli articoli e le recensioni. Se in uno stesso anno ricorrono più articoli in una…
Benedetta Chiesi, Giampaolo Distefano
Introduzione Benedetta Chiesi, Giampaolo Distefano
Marco Aimone
Porfido e alabastro: materiali preziosi per un ritratto imperiale di epoca teodosiana Marco Aimone This paper considers a red porphyry imperial portrait dated to the beginning of the Theodosian period (end of the fourth century). Three peculiarities make this portrait unique in the panorama of the Late Roman history of art. This is the only…
Francesca Pistone
La compresenza di tecniche diverse in cassette con placche in osso dell’Egitto tardoantico: i casi di Baltimora e Londra Francesca Pistone A wooden casket decorated with bone plaques from Late-Antique Egypt, now in the Walters Art Museum, is a rare example of the juxtaposition of two different carving techniques, on the one hand, fashioned in…
Marco Flamine
Sul dittico eburneo dei santi Teodoro e Acacio del Museo Civico di Cremona Marco Flamine The Museo Civico Ala Ponzone in Cremona hosts an ivory diptych depicting the Saints Theodore and Acacius. Since the eighteenth century, scholars have been proposing different attributions and datings (from the fifth up to the twelfth century). Through close stylistic…
Silvia Gianolio
Alcune osservazioni sulla Crocifissione eburnea della legatura dell’Evangeliario di Sibilla di Fiandra Silvia Gianolio The collections of the Hessisches Landesmuseum of Darmstadt include a twelfth-century ivory carving representing the Crucifixion. The plaque, currently part of the back cover of an illuminated Gospel Book from Saint-Bertin, presents a series of unresolved issues with regards to its…
Lorenzo Margani
Contributo al Corpus des émaux méridionaux: le croci in smalto di Limoges (1140-1240) Lorenzo Margani This essay focuses on enameled Limoges crosses manufactured between the twelthand thirteenth century. It analyses their typology, style and execution techniques, as well as their extraordinary widespread circulation in Medieval Europe. Firstly, the article discusses the Roman period (1140-1190); secondly,…
Alessia Marzo
Non solo smalti. Miniature sotto cristallo nell’oreficeria parigina del XIV secolo Alessia Marzo During the reign of the early Valois, in a period of exceptional flourishing of the sumptuary arts, the sovereigns commissioned many metalwork objects, some of them decorated with miniatures under rock crystal. The study of the miniatures allows not only to circumscribe…
Giampaolo Distefano
Smalti de plique parigini “tradotti” nell’Italia gotica: nuovi materiali per vecchi problemi Giampaolo Distefano Starting from the analysis of a little-known silver Reliquary Cross with translucent enamels now at the Virginia Museum of Arts, this paper examines the diffusion and circulation of French goldsmiths’ models in central Italy during the fourteenth century, with particular regard…
Benedetta Chiesi
La novella dell’Aquila d’oro come fonte iconografica per nove placchette inedite e alcuni cofanetti degli Embriachi Benedetta Chiesi This paper focuses on nine newly rediscovered bone plaques that can be ascribed to the Bottega degli Embriachi and dated at the end of the fourteenth century. Once again, the connection between images and narrative sources in…