Contesti lacerati, contesti risarciti.
Musei e territori,
come innescare una spirale virtuosa
a partire da una calamità?
Andrea De Marchi
The recent earthquakes in Valnerina and in the area of Camerino have dramatically brought to light the dilemma posited by the wished for recomposition of original contexts and the difficulties of protecting such a widely scattered cultural heritage. The monuments analyzed in this essay (San Salvatore in Campi, the monastery of the Stella and San Ponziano in Spoleto, Santa Maria Aquae Imbricis in Colle Altino, Santa Maria in Raggiano, Santa Maria delle Grazie in Baregnano, SS. Crocefisso in Ponte Cannaro) serve as examples of a region, Marche, where artistic routes and geography are intimately interconnected. An adequate awareness of the peculiarities of Marche is the first step towards a musealization in dialogue with the territory