Le arche di Ubertino e Jacopo II
da Carrara nel percorso artistico
di Andriolo de’ Santi
Zuleika Murat
This essay investigates the funerary monuments of Ubertino († 1345) and Jacopo II († 1350) da Carrara. Once located in the main chapel of the Dominican church of Padua, Sant’Agostino, and moved into the church of the Eremitani at the beginning of the 19th Century, the tombs are the product of a well established Venetian workshop, that worked under the direction of Andriolo de’ Santi. The author proposes a new stylistic and typological analysis of the tombs, which are considered as means of fgurative propaganda of the Carrarese court in Padua. The sepulchers are also contextualized within Andriolo de Santi’s whole corpus. Indeed, the author discusses some of the most important sculptures carved by the Venetian master and his workshop, and proposes a new hypothesis on the chapel realized by Andriolo in the church of the Eremitani – and no longer existing-, as well as on the tramezzo once located in that same church